Volkswagen ID.3 Owners & Service Manuals
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Volkswagen ID.3: Information about operating conditions

Volkswagen ID.3 (E11, E12) 2020-2024 Owner's Manual / Information about operating conditions

The specified service intervals and procedures are determined based on normal operating conditions.

Under extreme operating conditions, it is necessary to have some work performed before the next service that is due or between the specified service intervals.

Extreme operating conditions may include:

  • Operating in areas with high dust levels

  • Heavy winter operation.

This especially applies to the following components (depending on the equipment):

  • Active combination filters.

  • Air Care active combination filters.

The service advisor at your authorized Volkswagen dealer or authorized Volkswagen Service Facility will advise you if your Volkswagen ID.3's operating conditions require procedures to be performed between the regular service intervals.


Performing inadequate maintenance and disregarding service intervals can cause vehicle breakdowns while driving as well as accidents and serious or fatal injuries.

  • Have all maintenance work performed by suitably qualified professionals. Volkswagen recommends contacting an authorized Volkswagen dealer or authorized Volkswagen Service Facility.

Volkswagen is not responsible for damage to the Volkswagen ID.3 vehicle caused by insufficient maintenance or a lack of available parts.

Volkswagen ID.3 (E11, E12) 2020-2024 Owner's Manual

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